Interactive Theatre Performance – Brrr Production-2018

A rehearsal room, 4 actors and a list of characters to cast. With the help of the audience and their telephones, the actors will have to divide up the roles. Before long, one of the male actors is given the role of ‘the woman’, and the audience and actors are asked to imagine what this character might look like.
This pretend casting, constantly disrupted by the actors’ interactions with their ‘digital lives’, will allow the audience to question the concept of identity and how access to the internet and social networks influences our perception of the world and creates a uniformity of knowledge and thought, far removed from local realities.
“We are overtaken by digital technology, which, beyond any conscious decision, decisively modifies our behaviour, our perception, our feelings, our thinking and our social life. We are intoxicated by the digital without being able to assess all the consequences of such intoxication.” Byung-Chul Han, La Nuée, 2015, Actes Sud.
Written and directed by Berengere BrooksActors:
With: Djibril Dansokho, Laye Mbaye, Ass Niang, Ziapou and Guillaume Bassinet
Artistic and technical collaboration: Bastien Defives
Sound and lighting: Amadou Boye
Interactive stage manager: Clémence Cluzel
Production: Goethe Institut, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Institut Français, Swiss Embassy and Brrr Production
©photos: Stéphanie Nikolaïdis/Goethe-Institut Senegal